Looking for a green and serene hideout?

why choose camp besania

Hill top Camp site

The hill-top location provides privacy and a breathtaking panoramic view of the countryside. 




The cooling effect of nature

A quiet and cool ambiance with whistling sounds of nature. Perfect and spacious for retreating .

Nature Conservation

Eco touring in a natural woodland with a range of wild fruits, animals, birds, insects, rocks, herbs and spices, name it.


Spacious outdoors for sports, socialization, recreation and workout for health.

Quality & Friendly service

Memorable camping experience on a friendly budget. Self catering is allowed so you can set your experience. 



Security is always tailored to the occasion in collaboration with civil and local authority.



By camping with us you add a Christian signature to the global effort to showcase sustainable use of natural resources. Camp here for prayer, training, research, leisure and recreation. No orgies, crowding, coupling, cultic practices, alcohol, dumping, pollution or nature degradation. And no need to weigh down with home comforts. Embrace a green lifestyle; be footloose and fancy free